은근히 놓치기 쉬운, 고양이 수명 단축시키는 양육법 4

When the cat is holding its tail against the butler’s body, the cat hardly acts carelessly. This is to prevent unnecessary waste of energy. There was also a clear reason why he or she had his tail wrapped around the butler’s body. 1. One of the expressions of affection is a cat’s friendly expression of affection for a butler. When a cat wraps its tail slightly while walking side by side, it is an expression of affection for a butler, so let’s reciprocate with appropriate reactions, such as patting its head. Cats with emotional lines as rich as humans will recognize the butler’s heart and their relationship will grow stronger. 2. Replying to cat-lab.co.krThe time of a cat is four times faster than that of a human. It is time to check again if he is turning away due to a wrong method that harms the health of a cat.It is true that fat cats are cute. Fat cats, like humans, are more likely to develop heart disease, diabetes, and arthritis. They are also more likely to be at risk during anesthesia during surgery.Experts say that obesity, which shortens the lifespan of cats, is purely due to guardians. Neutrified cats have a nearly 30% drop in their basal metabolic rate. Therefore, they don’t need as many calories as they do when aka-daeng does. They point out that giving the same amount of feed every day is what makes cats overweight, even though the cat’s weight is increasing due to the decline in the basal metabolic rate. 2. Continuously expose them to stressEven if you don’t smoke at home, and if you smoke outside of a cat’s cancer-causing house or in a room without a cat, cats are exposed to the damage caused by smoking. This session will look at how “third smoking” harms cats’ health. Secondary smoking refers to direct exposure to the cigarette smoke vans and the burning cigarette smoke emitted by third-line smokers. Third-line smoking refers to toxic substances (gas-type chemicals) generated when smoking are attached to indoor surfaces such as clothes, furniture, curtains, carpets, and walls, which non-smokers inhale or absorb through their skin. This… cat-lab.co.krTragedy When a Cat Is Obese Even though It May Be Cute 7 Years Old, cats are very cute even when they gain weight. But as you can predict, obesity is also beneficial to cats. It organizes what happens when cats are under the age of one. 1. Burdens on joints and ligaments. The legs and waist are the parts that support the body. Therefore, when you become obese, the load on your legs increases, putting a burden on your joints and ligaments. Facilities that used to be sleek, even when you climb and land casually, you feel a sense of incompatibility the moment you jump and land when you become obese. If an obese cat rarely moves from one day and remains silent, there may be a problem with the joint system. 2. Burdening the heart… cat-lab.co.kr1. I raise him as a fat catThe stress that cats feel is divided into temporary acute stress and persistent chronic stress. Acute stress triggers include guests, loud sounds, veterinary hospitals, cat hotels, baths, children, restraints, perfumes or air fresheners, and dirty toilets. Also, chronic stress includes owner’s indifference, new cats, discord with fellow cats, new human families, and moving. Repetitive acute stress can lead to disease-causing chronic stress. 3. Smoking in front of catsThis is because they are exposed not only to the secondary smoking of inhaling cigarette smoke directly through their nose, but also to the tertiary smoking of grooming tobacco residues that stick to their fur. Perfumes and air fresheners also have a negative impact on cats’ health. You can be addicted to the essential oils used in aroma therapy, and basically, when there is a strong scent, cats cannot distinguish the smell and are stressed out. 4. Don’t brush your teethAccording to a study by Tuf University Veterinary College in the United States, if the owner is a smoker who eats a pack a day, the cat is twice as likely to develop malignant lymphoma, and if you live with a smoking owner for five years, you are four times more likely to develop oral cancer.In the wild, cats brush their teeth naturally because they eat food with their teeth. However, cats living at home only eat soft wet or dry feeds that are processed into appropriate sizes, so tartar is easy to accumulate. Stacking tartar can cause oral diseases and can develop into stomatitis and periodontal diseases, which can reduce the quality of life. In addition, if you receive oral treatment at an animal hospital, you will have to undergo general anesthesia, but if your health is not good or you are an elderly cat, you are bound to take a risk. Write | Reporter Jang Young-nam, Catlab @cat-lab.co.kr [Under the copyright law, unauthorized reproduction, copying, redistribution, and secondary alterations of all contents are prohibited]It is known that cats are vulnerable to stress because they are sensitive and have excellent senses.

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