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물놀이 사고의 배상 책임금을 받기 위해서는 물놀이 사고의 배상 책임금을 받기 위해서는

안녕하세요. 대건 보험팀입니다. 7월과 8월은 본격적인 휴가철이라 물놀이를 즐기는 사람이 많아지죠. 강가나 계곡처럼 자연스럽게 어우러진 곳을 물놀이 장소로 선택하는 분도 있고 수영장, 워터파크, 해수욕장 등의 인공 물놀이 시설을 이용하시는 분도 있습니다. 어디를 선택해도 물 속에서 노는 만큼 사고에 특히 주의해야 하는데요. 그렇지 않으면 한순간의 사고로 중상해 또는 사망으로 이어질 가능성이 높은 것이 바로 물놀이 사고이기 때문입니다. 안녕하세요. 대건 보험팀입니다. 7월과 8월은 본격적인 휴가철이라 물놀이를 즐기는 사람이 많아지죠. 강가나 계곡처럼 자연스럽게 어우러진 곳을 물놀이 장소로 선택하는 분도 있고 수영장, 워터파크, 해수욕장 등의 인공 물놀이 시설을 이용하시는 분도 있습니다. 어디를 선택해도 물 속에서 노는 만큼 사고에 특히 주의해야 하는데요. 그렇지 않으면 한순간의 사고로 중상해 또는 사망으로 이어질 가능성이 높은 것이 바로 물놀이 사고이기 때문입니다.

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The types of serious injuries caused by water play accidents are as follows for your reference. ·Spine injury/paralysis due to spinal cord injury: You may hit your head while diving into shallow water or hit facilities such as swimming pool ladders and damage your spine. Spinal damage can leave lifelong disabilities such as lower body paralysis. ·Fracture: A broken bone is an injury that often occurs while playing in the water. ·Brain injury: A strong head impact can lead to a slight concussion or cerebral hemorrhage, leaving severe aftereffects. The types of serious injuries caused by water play accidents are as follows for your reference. ·Spine injury/paralysis due to spinal cord injury: You may hit your head while diving into shallow water or hit facilities such as swimming pool ladders and damage your spine. Spinal damage can leave lifelong disabilities such as lower body paralysis. ·Fracture: A broken bone is an injury that often occurs while playing in the water. ·Brain injury: A strong head impact can lead to a slight concussion or cerebral hemorrhage, leaving severe aftereffects.

If you get injured due to the other person’s mistake while playing in riverside or valley, you will be compensated by daily life liability insurance If you get injured due to the other person’s mistake while playing in riverside or valley, you will be compensated by daily life liability insurance

If the other party’s fault is recognized due to an accident in the riverside or valley, you can receive compensation from the liability insurance for daily life that the other party has subscribed to. ■ Daily Life Liability Insurance means that if the other party’s fault is recognized due to an accident on the riverside or valley, it can be covered by the daily life liability insurance that the other party has subscribed to. ■What is liability insurance for daily living

an insurance policy that compensates for damages caused to another person in daily life an insurance policy that compensates for damages caused to another person in daily life

· Conditions: The other party’s fault must be objectively proven and the perpetrator must be insured. · Compensation items: Treatment costs / loss of work / aftereffects / revenue from one room · Conditions: The other party’s fault must be objectively proven and the perpetrator must be insured. · Compensation items: Treatment costs / loss of work / aftereffects / revenue from one room

If you are injured in a water play accident while playing in a swimming pool or water park, you will be compensated by facility liability insurance If you are injured in a water play accident while playing in a swimming pool or water park, you will be compensated by facility liability insurance

■What is Facility Liability Insurance? ■What is Facility Liability Insurance

insurance that guarantees legal responsibility for the payment of compensation for injury and property damage when a person is injured by using a facility owned or managed by the insured insurance that guarantees legal responsibility for the payment of compensation for injury and property damage when a person is injured by using a facility owned or managed by the insured

For those who own or manage facilities and receive users, most of them are subscribed because of concerns that accidents can occur at any time no matter how much safety they pay attention to. Like swimming pools and water parks, there is a high probability that they have the insurance in case of water accidents. · Coverage: √ Personal Compensation: Compensation for damages for bodily injury, death, etc. of another person Double, specific compensation for injury: Compensation/Compensation/Future Compensation √ Object Compensation: Compensation for damage to other people’s property For those who own or manage facilities and receive users, most of them are subscribed because of concerns that accidents can occur at any time no matter how much safety they pay attention to. Like swimming pools and water parks, there is a high probability that they have the insurance in case of water accidents. · Coverage: √ Personal Compensation: Compensation for damages for bodily injury, death, etc. of another person Double, specific compensation for injury: Compensation/Compensation/Future Compensation √ Object Compensation: Compensation for damage to other people’s property

Please also bring accident insurance subscription confirmation, accident insurance money, and compensation for aftereffects of disability Please also bring accident insurance subscription confirmation, accident insurance money, and compensation for aftereffects of disability

accident insurance.

It is an insurance that guarantees treatment costs and losses from aftereffects in the event of an accidental injury such as a water play accident. (The basic is to guarantee the cost of treatment, and you have to sign up for compensation for aftereffects and death insurance in the form of a special contract.) It is an insurance that guarantees treatment costs and losses from aftereffects in the event of an accidental injury such as a water play accident. (The basic is to guarantee the cost of treatment, and you have to sign up for compensation for aftereffects and death insurance in the form of a special contract.)

· Treatment costs: Hospital treatment costs, medicine costs, hospitalization costs, and other treatment costs/compensation limits: The compensation limits may vary for each insurance product. · Disclaimer: In some cases, such as intentional acts or drunk driving, insurance may not be paid even if you are injured. · Treatment costs: Hospital treatment costs, medicine costs, hospitalization costs, and other treatment costs/compensation limits: The compensation limits may vary for each insurance product. · Disclaimer: In some cases, such as intentional acts or drunk driving, insurance may not be paid even if you are injured.


(*We adapted the contents of the client who contacted Daegun Insurance team to receive compensation for injury due to injury in water play) (*We adapted the contents of the client who contacted Daegun Insurance team to receive compensation for injury due to injury in water play)

Mr. A had an accident while playing in the water in a valley near summer. While playing happily in the valley, he stepped on a mossy stone and fell back, injuring his spine. I had surgery to fracture and fix three vertebrae in the lumbar spine, and I faithfully performed physical therapy and rehabilitation treatment for months after the surgery, but the aftereffects were severe, contrary to initial expectations. I received the treatment cost when I started the initial treatment with accident insurance, but if the aftereffects continue, I would like to receive the aftereffects evaluation, and I would like to receive the aftereffects compensation after the second) disability evaluation. Mr. A had an accident while playing in the water in a valley near summer. While playing happily in the valley, he stepped on a mossy stone and fell back, injuring his spine. I had surgery to fracture and fix three vertebrae in the lumbar spine, and I faithfully performed physical therapy and rehabilitation treatment for months after the surgery, but the aftereffects were severe, contrary to initial expectations. I received the treatment cost when I started the initial treatment with accident insurance, but if the aftereffects continue, I would like to receive the aftereffects evaluation, and I would like to receive the aftereffects compensation after the second) disability evaluation.


The following is a summary of the situation at the time of A’s inquiry. · Water play accident: slipped on mossy stones and hurt spine, initial treatment: aftereffects of spinal surgery and physical therapy: payment of compensation for aftereffects and injuries: treatment costs have already been paid but have not yet been claimed. The following is a summary of the situation at the time of A’s inquiry. · Water play accident: slipped on mossy stones and hurt spine, initial treatment: aftereffects of spinal surgery and physical therapy: payment of compensation for aftereffects and injuries: treatment costs have already been paid but have not yet been claimed.


Mr. A checked the medical institution that is being evaluated for disability and submitted it to the insurance company with an after-effect disability certificate, other proofs, and CT photos diagnosed in the objective process. As the disability compensation payment is high, insurance companies tried to reduce the payment through self-examination and medical advice, but the insurance team’s careful response prevented attempts to reduce it and helped the compensation to be carried out as per the medical certificate. Mr. A checked the medical institution that is being evaluated for disability and submitted it to the insurance company with an after-effect disability certificate, other proofs, and CT photos diagnosed in the objective process. As the disability compensation payment is high, insurance companies tried to reduce the payment through self-examination and medical advice, but the insurance team’s careful response prevented attempts to reduce it and helped the compensation to be carried out as per the medical certificate.

Let’s apply the formula for compensation for aftereffects of disability. The area injured in the water play accident was the spine, and the rate of payment was 10% of the cases of “remaining motor impairment” by checking the “spine disorder table” in the classification of disabilities and performing surgery. On top of that, we confirmed that the amount of collateral for compensation for aftereffects was set at 200 million, and calculated as follows. Let’s apply the formula for compensation for aftereffects of disability. The area injured in the water play accident was the spine, and the rate of payment was 10% of the cases of “remaining motor impairment” by checking the “spine disorder table” in the classification of disabilities and performing surgery. On top of that, we confirmed that the amount of collateral for compensation for aftereffects was set at 200 million, and calculated as follows.

200 million won x 10% = 20 million won 200 million won x 10% = 20 million won



If you want to properly receive liability for water play accidents, there are complex problems such as “bashing liability insurance” basically deals with negligence as a concept of compensation for damages, so the ratio of negligence is also important, and you have to prove the damage. In addition, it is not easy to receive evaluation of aftereffects in accident insurance, and there is a strong conflict of opinion as insurers can try to reduce it rather than give compensation according to the medical staff’s medical certificate. In all these processes, there is a limit to how to deal with it alone, so it is recommended that you leave the compensation and compensation procedures for water play accidents to an insurance expert. If you want to properly receive liability for water play accidents, there are complex problems such as “bashing liability insurance” basically deals with negligence as a concept of compensation for damages, so the ratio of negligence is also important, and you have to prove the damage. In addition, it is not easy to receive evaluation of aftereffects in accident insurance, and there is a strong conflict of opinion as insurers can try to reduce it rather than give compensation according to the medical staff’s medical certificate. In all these processes, there is a limit to how to deal with it alone, so it is recommended that you leave the compensation and compensation procedures for water play accidents to an insurance expert.


The Daiken Insurance Team includes veteran insurance clerks and a number of damage assessors as well as insurance specialists. Therefore, as well as necessary procedures from insurance claims to payments, there are lawyers, so we stand by our clients in a consistent position in the legal process, including direct response, coordination of opinions, and filing lawsuits. Call me anytime We offer free telephone counseling The Daiken Insurance Team includes veteran insurance clerks and a number of damage assessors as well as insurance specialists. Therefore, as well as necessary procedures from insurance claims to payments, there are lawyers, so we stand by our clients in a consistent position in the legal process, including direct response, coordination of opinions, and filing lawsuits. Call me anytime We offer free telephone counseling



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